Monday, May 18, 2009

My new suits!

I almost forgot to post the pictures of my new suits that I took to Geneva. I love them!

Ebace - Geneva, Switzerland

This past week I attended EBACE (European Business Aviation Convention and Expo) in Geneva, Switzerland. I had a great time. I learned a lot at the seminars and made many valuable contacts with potential employers. The convention featured about 65 static displayed aircraft, 400+ business booths, and 11,000 attendees. It was busy and exciting.

I did also manage to get out and explore a bit of Geneva too. I visited the botanical gardens and strolled through the downtown area. It was an enjoyable week for sure.

The Dassault Booth

The Static Display Ramp #1

The Static Display Ramp #2

The Static Display Ramp #3

The Static Display Ramp #4

Dag van het Levenslied

Alright I finally got a cord to upload pictures so I will begin with the evening before I went to Geneva which was May 10th.

May 10th is also Mothers day in Holland (moeders dag.) In Nijmegen they have a festival called Dag van het Levenslied. This a song festival for a certain type of Dutch song that usually features mothers. It is a bit of a tongue in cheek kind of festival as the songs are a bit ridiculous and the people who sing them also.

Here are some pictures.

Gijs and Gemma all dressed up!

Some of the performers.

More performers.